Jan. 22 – Jan. 26: 3 Ways to Take Action for Consent Action Week 2024
How are you building-up a culture of consent in your community?
Consent Action Week is an educational initiative held during the last week of January at universities across Ontario. The week is an opportunity for campus communities to create a dialogue about consent, pleasure, relationships and increase understanding of sexual violence. It’s also an opportunity to raise awareness of both on and off-campus services. The Ontario University Sexual Violence Network created Consent Action Week.
Here are 3 ways you can take action for Consent Action Week – and keep the conversation going throughout the Winter 2024 semester:

Create Consensual Connections with Crafternoon Tea
Meaningful, sustainable action towards a consent culture doesn’t happen alone. Communities of care help us get the rest and support we need. Find like-minded individuals on-campus by joining our tri-campus Crafternoon Tea sessions. Share and learn from each other over snacks, hot drinks, and mindful crafting.
These sessions happen monthly in-person at UTM, UTSC, and UTSG.

Learn and Reflect with Restorative Reading
Join us on Thursday, January 25, from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. ET for a poetic reading and author chat. This evening will be a chance for students, staff, and faculty across all of the organizing institutions to discuss care, pleasure, joy, and consent on our campuses and beyond.
We’re excited to be hosting this event in partnership with Huron University, McMaster University, Toronto Metropolitan University, University of Guelph, and Wilfred Laurier University.

Navigate Your Healing Journey with this Session on Intergenerational Trauma
An important part of building a culture of consent is focusing on our own healing so that we can be the very best partners, friends, and parents that we can possibly be. Commit to working on your relationship with intergenerational trauma in this closed, virtual session for survivors of sexual violence in February. Remember – self-improvement doesn’t happen overnight! It’s a great idea to spread-out your consent action over the weeks and months ahead.
Facilitator Vera Cheng will help you learn and reflect on what intergenerational trauma is, where it comes from, and strategies we can all use to break the cycle.